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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday's Workout

Day 2 of the Walk to Jog Program
5 minute walk warm-up
3.5 Incline
3.5 mph
30 sec jog
4.0 Incline
4.1 mph
90 sec walk/recovery
4.0 Incline
3.5 mph
Repeated the jog/walk 10 times for a total of 20 minutes
5 minute walk cool-down
4.0 Incline
3.5 mph and I decreased the mileage every minute.
Total Workout: 30 minutes
Calories Burned: 296
Distance Travelled: 1.64 miles

Upper Body Strength Training Routine(the # on top represents the weight used, and the bottom # represents the repetitions.)
DB Bench Press - 5/30 10/12 10/12 10/12
DB Bent over Row - 10/12 15/11 15/8
DB Incline Press - 10/12 10/12 10/12
Alternating DB Front Raise superset with DB 1 Arm Lateral Raise
5/12 5/12 5/12                                                   5/12 5/11 5/8
DB Bicep Curl(standing up)  10/12 10/12 10/12
DB Extensions (1arm at a time)  5/20 10/12 10/12
Crnches: 4*25

Comments:  All exercise was done on an empty stomach.  After working out, it was important to me that I eat within an hour, to force my body into an anabolic state.  I immediately went home and prepared a protein shake, using reduced fat milk mixed with water, 2 scoops of powder, and 1T of raw oats. I've been eating pretty much every 4 hrs since then.  Small meals/snacks.  Im trying to keep it clean. Low carbs.  High protein and veggies.
Regarding the exercises - my left side of my body is way weaker then my right.  I need to research how to go about mending that. I also want to shake up the way I work my abdominals.  I have some exercises in mind for when I do my lower body workout on Monday, that will attack other angles of my abs.  We shall see.
I fully intend on going to the gym tomorrow, but Im unsure if I want to do the walk to jog program, or something else.  Either way, the plan is for 60mins of cardio broken up on at least 2 machines.  Maybe 3.  God willing.

Signing Out for Now

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